My Daily Routine...I Guess
Sharing my daily routine for my hopefully last attempt for weight loss. This is mainly for me to cycle back to so I don't forget since I do tend to have terrible memory problems. I don't follow this plan 100% daily but it's my goal for the better part of the week. Weekends are entirely different.
- Wake Up at 6 am.
- Charge smart devices for the day
- Make breakfast for son making sure he leaves for school on time
- Iron work clothes for partner/pack his lunch if needed
- Wait for partner to leave for work
- Before 8:30 AM GOAL: Cook breakfast for myself
- While cooking, turn on tea kettle
- Eat breakfast and brew green tea then timer 20 minutes to cool
- 9:30 AM GOAL: Drink green tea
- Wait another 30 minutes after drinking tea to let my body soak in the nutrients/caffeine. Optional.
- Start at or Before 10 AM GOAL: Exercise - include warm up and cool down
- Drink Protein shake (1 cup almond milk + 1 scoop Orgain chocolate)
- Shower/Morning Skincare Routine
- Gua Sha after facial oil followed by drinking plenty of water
- Lunch (wait 45 minutes to 1 hour after drinking almond milk until lunch)
- Tidy up house, vacuum, wash dishes etc.
- Prep for dinner - marinate meats -measure seasonings - etc.
- Update blog posts/ GET TO FUCKING REST NOW
- GOAL TO ACCOMPLISH THE ABOVE: Before son gets home from school at 2:30 pm