August 14, 2024
There will be no more updates to this blog. I practically eat the same thing every day with slight variations depending what I got. I am currently at 140 pounds and mostly happy where I am at. Ideally would like to lose 10 more pounds to be satisfied but an overall 20 pound loss as my goal. I am absolutely within my goal so happy! So yeah there IS light at the end of the tunnel for those wanting to lose weight. I made a lot of hiccups along the way but I am proof that an incompetent person such as myself can still fuck up while still losing weight. If a dumb ass like me can do it, you can too!
If you want to follow me on the only social media I have then lurk/follow me on Instagram @Horrortized stupid name, I know but I am attached to it.
UPDATE #1 - September 10, 2024
My current weight is 135 pounds!!! My weight loss has slowed a lot over the past couple of weeks but that's expected the closer you are to your goal weight. Mine is 120! I experienced my first big heartbreak from some asshole with no conscience so that affected my self worth and consistency but it's okay! Instagram be crazy I think they read my messages, analyze my face and can listen through my phone! My reels' recommended section is filled with REELS ABOUT MY EXACT SITUATION! Freaks me the fuck out. But also a good thing because there is a lot of empathetic reels on how to heal from when someone breaks your heart 💔
Total Weight Lost: 53 pounds!
UPDATE #2 - October 15, 2024
I currently weigh 132.8 pounds. Currently at a plateau. I fluctuate with my water weight but that's the general consensus. Still not happy where I'm at so still slowly trying! Not as consistent on my 10 step skincare and only do gua sha mornings now! Current pictures of me! I also got my first tattoo!
Total Weight Lost: 54.8 pounds!
#UPDATE #3 January 25, 2025
Long story short...I ended up getting to my lowest weight ever at 130 pounds!!!!! It did not last long because I recently moved back to my home state to start a new life. Which also means new food choices. I finally left my abusive relationship but at what cost? Money doesn't buy happiness I'll just say that. Never settle for a partner who can financially take care of you but emotionally drains you. I learned that the hard way. I am no longer in that relationship but currently in a new healthy relationship!!! Better yet, it's with a friend I've met when we were 16 years old! Nearly 20 years pass and we finally bit the bullet and revealed our feelings for each other and currently officially dating. So that's pretty damn cool. Huh?! Been a few months and by far the happiest I've ever been.
However, I have gained back a few pounds. I keep fluctuating between 134-140 pounds currently. Very sad I am still not in my 120s but oh well that's life. I just love tex mex and donuts. Which my new boyfriend introduced me to many great new restaurants.
This also leads me to eventually create a new blog dedicated to growing my butt. Yes. Seriously. Partially to start fresh and document on losing those last stubborn pounds and also to experiment with various ways to grow my glutes and focus on getting fit. Will update when I get this blog up and running soon. Guess what?! Blog is now live! My Fine Fitness Journey blog is officially live! This is not a drill. Blog name is a work in progress. This will be my part 2 continuation of my weight loss journey. Unfoodgettable is another spanking new blog I created to document cool foodie eats. I know this defeats the purpose of losing weight but when I do eat like crap, it will land on that blog.
Oh yeah and I got my tattoo shaded!!!