July 27, 2024 Diary

What a fucking day. This will be a little different diary today because my food logs are slightly fucked. I have my niece and nephew here for the summer but they leave next Saturday so this is the final weekend we have with them before they go back home to Texas. We decided to do something super special and take a train to DC!!!!

Wanted to post to full group pic but eh maybe not a good idea. So I decided to just give them anonymity.

Walked a fuck ton as you will see in my fitbit stats. I know I am technically a "taken" woman and I am saying this super lightly because we always had a very complicated on/off relationship for years since we reconciled after we divorced but yeah I was totally checking out other men. Particularly middle eastern men. I've always been like neutral about them but today idk I was checking a lot of them out as they passed by. Good thing I had my sunglasses on 😎 I guess because I just so happen to have such a huge forbidden crush on a certain someone I currently interact with who just so happens to be indian and I was just projecting. Women too honestly! Yes. I was even checking out indian women, I always knew they were so beautiful but today was when I REALLY noticed just how beautiful they actually are. While walking in the street we passed by 2 women and holy crap my mind almost went 🤯 when I saw her. She wore minimal makeup so her natural beauty and ethnic features really shined reminded me of the model Anchal Joseph.  I was so close to just stopping her to tell her how gorgeous she looked. I'm not bisexual or anything. Not sexually attracted to women but it's one of the things I tend to hyperfocus on when it does cross my mind. 

Either way. We had lot of fun sight seeing walking in museums and stuff. The only normal thing I ate was breakfast. There will be no pie chart today.

For lunch we are at a BBQ place and I am still horrible at estimating how many oz I ate. But I did consume sausage, ribs and brisket. Small portions though!! I'd estimate maybe no more than 3 oz each maybe more on sausage.

Towards the end of our DC trip, I ended up buying paletas and legit ate it. I felt like I earned that shit. I walked so much today and didn't indulge in any unhealthy so I can get away with and possibly even burn off the sugar. I threw away wrapper already but I recall it saying it was 32 g of carbs!!! And almost as much in sugar!!! I kind of figured that might have been the case but YOLO!!!!

Guess how many fucking steps I stepped today?! Bro, I am deceased. But hey! A new personal record for little 'ol me.

As you can tell we walked everywhere....

I admittedly did not make water goal despite bringing my bluetooth water bottle with me. However. I am not worried about it and I know in my heart I surpassed 90oz of water. What was not tracked was 1 cup of peppermint tea and 1 cup of water mixed with magnesium supplement in the morning. Plus, when we ate out at a BBQ place, I drank 1 1/2 Mason glass jars worth of water. I don't care for the superficial streak on the app when I know I absolutely did make my goal so there!!