July 26, 2024 Diary

Ya'll. I dun goofed. All this week I have been unknowingly been royally fucking up my carbs. After every workout, I drink a protein shake using almond milk from that diamond whatever brand. I used the original version rather than unsweetened. Dumb ass me thought there was negligible difference. But today is when it started to really eat away me (no pun intended) and decided to actually look at the carton. 7.5 FUCKING CARBS PER CUP!!!!! Unsweetened is .5 carbs. There is fucking cane sugar in the original! Goddammit. All this week I have been unknowingly been going over 20g net carbs and blindly just auto logging the unsweetened. Not by much, mind you but the general consensus is to stay under 20 g. That's the least of my problems, the fact that I have been ingesting cane ass sugar! BRUHHHHHHH. That might very been spiking my blood sugar this whole time. Fucking fuck fuck fuck. Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. I royally fucked up this week. At least now I know. Carton is almost done...I wanna cry in my pillow. But next week will be another week. I had a feeling that extra sweetness was a little too good to be true 😭