July 21, 2024 Diary

July is just one fucked up month and I have no one but myself to blame. It's good though. It's to test my adaptation. I know I was doing so well in my weight loss journey if everything went according to plan....soooooo what happens when things don't go according to plan? This is what July is for!!! July throttled my progress so damn much. 

It is harder for me to strictly do keto since I admit I was still sneaking regular non keto good. Like one or two bites at a time but a weird thing would happen. It's like my body reacts fiercely against it. If I took a bite from ice cream or cake...it's like I can feel my face bloat itself up within like an hour or something. It's freaky. My whole body bloats. I hate that feeling!!!! Now it's so hard to unfuck that. But it is yet another good slap of of a reality check for me. I am so awful I usually end up succumbing to temptation but at least in this instance, it was low caliber and not a full binge. Came close though.

Good news is...I still lost weight each and every week in July so far. That's the only good news. Bad news? Small and incremental weight loss but hey! I am super glad that it is still weight loss! I just hit a snag in my journey. I'll give the weekly breakdown for July on the 28th for the final month's weigh in if anyone wants to see. I think my body has to get reintroduced to keto. I know this because...I think I am experiencing the keto flu!! I did not before because I was so well hydrated but these past few weeks I wasn't the best at drinking 90 oz daily. Now I have headache and shit. I will force myself through this and remind myself of the end goal here....120 pounds!!!

I know I didn't do it last week but this week is:

Yay what a success!! Total so far in July is honestly my lowest yet but look at the glass half full, I still weigh less than July 1st!

I'm still disappointed but was definitely expected. Like...what did I really expect to happen when I lost the consistency? Plus, despite not being recorded in food logs, I would randomly eat up to 3 bites of Evil Food like ice cream, mashed potatoes and a birthday cake I made for my son. Many missteps but I thought just 1 bite would be okay. NOT OKAY!! I that is responsible for my bloated face. Plus, when I started eating my son's birthday cake, I started getting a toothache. Complete karma!

Okay. Now let's get to the food logs and stats: