July 20, 2024 Diary

I thought I had a good day today. Everything started out promising. Ate an okay breakfast. Then we took everyone hiking! I haven't been hiking in like forever definitely not anytime this year. Better late than never. Well it was a great burn!! My thighs were killing me but I tried to push through the pain. My shin splints are still making itself known but not until the very end. Good sign, right? I feel it is mostly healed. 

My food logs today sucked. I got in a slump. So yes, I ate the same thing for lunch and dinner. I should have added broccoli on both meals but I was lazy as fuck. So yeah, my intake today was awful. Low calorie intake does NOT equal a healthy weight loss or well being one bit. My water intake suffered but I am not bent out of shape about that. It's decent.

Okay now on to the stat dump.