July 1, 2024 Diary
What a day.
I decided on a whim to post on reddit and uh...I think my post exploded because:
Over 3k up votes!!! (3,745 upvotes before I deleted it) Holy shit. I honestly did not expect that to happen. Literally nothing but overwhelmingly supportive comments. A lot of people privately DM'd me and I chatted with a few. Nothing but sweet people.
Unfortunately this was also at the time SO's sister was flying up here so my attention had to shift at a certain point once she got here so I didn't reply or message back to everyone as frequently as I wanted. All around great experience.
Omg the stats is insane.
Now I'm scared just how popular my post got because according to my stats, my post has been shared 158 times!! Where are these cats sharing my post to!?!?!?! I'm actually getting scared this is going to pop up on TikTok or some shit!!
But that was a spoiler for the weekly weigh in.

Also I fucked up on my food logs. I did not eat lunch and when his sister got here we ate at a sushi place but I just ate Naruto rolls so I think I am good.