June 6, 2024 Diary
Our air conditioner is sort of broke and holy fuck it suuuuucks as the official start of summer is nigh. We technically COULD use it but then we're at risk for fucking up the unit even more so as painful as it to not turn it on, it is totally for the best until we cam get it fixed. We have ancient ass fans that do nothing but blow hot air at us...kidding it's still better than nothing but.....warm. air!
Still bad food log today. No excuses.
For breakfast, I needed a break from the eggs since I ate the equivalent of 3 yesterday. SO bought me a box of ice cream...I guess he was in a nice mood. Luckily, this actually is very much keto friendly. Just high in carbs! Next time, I'm cutting that shit in half.
For lunch a favorite lazy yet very clean keto lunch. Both were baked 350 F for 15 minutes. I guesstimated on the seasoning for something with literally no nutritional value in anything, it gave both such a boost of flavor.
Made chicken nachos. I would've preferred chicken thighs but tenderloins is all we had. I reserved one chicken for myself and ate it with feta cheese.
I continued with my 10/10 method of rest then walk. Feeling 90% recovered and I almost don't notice the pain anymore. Still going to be cautious and just stick to indoor walking as my exercise. Got a lot of "fat burn" minutes.