June 4, 2024 Diary

I hate how scatterbrained I am because there's these tasks I would love to do but it often feels like my brain is wired In a way that has all these thoughts and intentions simultaneously which overwhelms the fuck out of me and I get so little done. I have to resort to childish things like sticky notes on walls, Google Tasks in my Pixel watch and using my whiteboard...yes all 3 if I really want to make sure it gets done. Even if I do one task in lieu of another I often end up forgetting and it never gets done and I'll realize 1 week later and the cycle starts again. Trying my best to combat this with the notes but it sucks. Same with recipes. There's new recipes I want to try or books I want to read or even wanting to learn more Spanish. All of that and more is constantly buzzing in my head. I often struggle even getting household chores done in a timely manner some days. 

It took me nearly 3 years before I finally accomplished to getting a facial routine to stick! I'm proud that I kept that habit up but it shouldn't have to take that long. Ugh I just hate myself sometimes. 

But yeah to switch the subject my breakfast food log looks long but I promise ya, it looked so bare on my plate lol. I made my son a veggie omlete which I followed in making that for myself too. Except it turned into a frittata with the addition of ricotta. Ricotta is totally underrated I am so glad to have ricotta in my life. Such a versatile cheese! Much better than cottage cheese (had a good run.)

For lunch I tried out this mug cake recipe and yeah from now on, I'll calculate my own macros until I don't give a fuck about carbs (in about 30 pounds from now) and my carb count is slightly higher than the linked recipe. Only by 2 grams but every little bit counts so I'm rounding up. Taste was ehhhh. Nothing like the real thing but it will suffice. All mug cakes are made in the microwave but our house has an active boycott on those so I got an air fryer to work with. 350 F for 10 minutes.

Not sure how accurate the fat burn is. I am skeptical. I continued to do the 20 minutes cold press and 10 minutes walking for a 2 or 3 hours then SO and I walked the dog around the hot spot. Interesting. I was walking extra slow today.