June 30, 2024 Diary
Another impromptu selfie! 36 fucking years old. And in a few weeks my son will turn 16 years old. Jesus Christ where does the time go?!?
Ugh. Last day of June. Ended like crap.
Well, I succumbed to temptation and ate the last cupcake. My teenaged son and my SO ate the rest sporadically so I ate 2 out of 6 available cupcakes in a span of 3 days. I felt like Abu in Aladdin when they are both in the Cave of Wonders and Abu is like hypnotized and walks towards a forbidden ruby lol. That was me with the cupcake!! I knew I dun goofed. Welp, only solution I can find online is to do a water fast for the rest of the day and that is what I actually did. Weird because I did NOT feel any starvation hunger pangs. To be fair, I ate the cupcake at like noon because I slept in being a Sunday. Drinking a lot of water here and there at safe intervals as you can tell. I feared I would be starving the remainder of the day....but nah. I'm gurd. I'll resume eating normal tomorrow.
That actually could be a good thing since tomorrow is actually a new weigh in for July 1st. Would be interesting to see how much weight will be lost in these past 2 days.
Also, I left the TV on and there was a football game going on with Mexico against Ecuador and oooooohhhh someone caught my eye. After a quick Google search I found out his name is Gerardo Arteaga. Like damn, that dude is so fine.
And then I realized he is 25 years old. 😖 I did scroll through his instagram and I am still just speechless. Maybe because he reminds me of someone I used to know idk.