June 3, 2024 Diary

Today is rough. Had a sad dream and it messed me up for the better part of the morning. Was still able to do my full facial routine and gua sha which sort of helped. Cried a few times already but I think I'm cried out. 

In other news I'm back to stepping. So this leg injury I have I am confident that it's specifically called shin splint. The sharp burning needle like pain and area matches the description. So what I did to do my steps today is use a cold compress 20 minutes and walk 10. Did that for 2 hours and finished the rest of my steps. The pain died down a lot. By the time I came to do my facial routine after dinner is when I realized how little I felt pain. Huh. Maybe I should have been doing that this whole time. Well, it's only 1 day afterall. I'm still taking it easy. And no, I did not exercise but I really need to.

Monday Weekly Report: