June 23, 2024 Diary
Last day of the heat wave supposedly. I hate summer. Worse of all, I hate weak ass air conditioners.
Well I am into month #4 of my weight loss and eating keto and I am still learning new things. I really ought to consolidate everything into a separate post pretty soon. For the short of it, I learned to not only get an adequate magnesium intake but also be mindful of the glycemic index of everything I eat. I know food trackers like Carb Manager aren't totally accurate but if still gives me a gauge. I already know the basics like staying away from sugar, milk, any foods made from all purpose flour and so on but I feel like I am still missing something. Aside from the main 3 macros (protein, carb, fat) I know I have to keep other vitamins and nutrients in check too. I am going to start showing those stats alongside my food logs from now on.
For dinner, it looks drab as fuck but it was still very delicious. Every time you see just meat and avocado (if I have any) then it means it's always a burger. That's right, I made a mini 2 oz burger!! I wish I took a picture! But I used these seasonings:
If you live in South of the US then your local grocery store might have it! Since I live in the NE part of the US, I buy mine online. Anyway...here is my recipe for the Chipotle Burgers.
1 lb (16oz)= 1 tbsp Chipotle + 1/2 tsp Hamburger Deluxe
8oz = 1/2 tbsp Chipotle + 1/4 tsp Hamburger Deluxe
4oz = 3/4 tsp Chipotle + 1/8 tsp Hamburger Deluxe
2oz = 1/4 tsp + 1/8 tsp Chipotle + 1/16 tsp Hamburger Deluxe
To fit my macros, I made a 2oz mini burger. I know the measurements are small but there are some measuring spoons available in Amazon and if you don't have 1/16 tsp either eye ball it or just add a generous Pinch of the seasoning. But I doubt you will do the 2oz recipe anyway. So I pan fried my burger 3 minutes per side since it was small. Otherwise, bigger burgers should be 5 minutes per side.
I should've hit my 10k today but I just...didn't.