June 17, 2024 Diary

Okay today was a struggle. I came to a startling revelation and it costed me dearly. I was in a funk today so I kept chugging from my water bottle to eventually refilling it and drinking and refilling again. For some ungodly reason. I didn't sync in the app and I figured it would sync no matter what. But guess what guys?!?!

It in fact did not.

It wasn't until dinner time when it synced and it only recorded data from my current water bottle. That means it did not track any of the water I drank since 7 in the morning!!! First world problems, I know. But future note to self that I have to sync my bluetooth water bottle at least once in the app before refilling the water bottle. That's why you see such a low number but fuck it...I know I drank enough water because according to my Pee Diary, I've been going to the bathroom several times which is the expected amount anyway. So I ain't worried. But yeah. 

I also did not eat breakfast. So there is no breakfast log today. Skipping to lunch.

 Such sad numbers here 😭