June 12, 2024 Diary

I've spent a good couple of hours watching YouTube videos and TikToks (gag, I know!) and came up with a lot of keto meal ideas. Some were pretty good. Had no idea Magic Spoon cereal was keto friendly...I always rolled my eyes when it came to their YouTuber sponsorships but yeah. Despite it sounding nice and all, I really want to try my best to not rely too much on ultraprocessed food like that. I just grew up eating nothing but junk food as a kid and I never knew any better until I was way into adult age. Seriously!! Frozen pizza, frozen chicken nuggets, pizza pockets, poptarts, nutragrains, little Debbie's snacks, soda, buttercream cake you name it I had it all...just all kinds of high sugar crap. Pretty angry at my mother for never instilling healthy food choices. She chose convenient microwavable foods, instant ramen and ready to eat candies & sweets rather than actual healthy foods. She was wasting so much money!

Better late than never to learn, right? It took a lot of deprogramming (lol) to get rid of the urge to eat that garbage. I don't even drink soda or even sweet tea anymore. 99% of everything I have drank since February 2024 was straight up water nothing else. And I don't miss it. I still don't eat 100% clean because I still have to rely on some things processed like protein powders, bacon, brauts, cheese (always block), sour cream, plain Greek yogurt and various other meats. Never pre seasoned meats. I try to go as low processed as I my taste buds will allow. Far from the most cleanest keto eater but even farther away from the worst unhealthy eater at the same time.

I've seen so many "keto friendly foods" that are just junk in disguise with either hidden sugars, preservatives, other rando chemicals and microplastics. Hard to navigate in this crazy world.