June 10, 2024 Diary
With a lot of planning, I will try to make at least 1 new keto recipe a week. Firstly because I have sooo many keto friendly pricey ass ingredients that have been laying around since late February to early March. Not cheap at all. I am clearly not taking advantage of what I got. So I will work my way use them and hopefully find a meaningful recipe. Because my attention goes everywhere, I created a new side blog to document making said recipes. Keto Recipe Tester is the new home to my new testers. It's spanking new and not sure how long I will stick with it but it will be a great resource for my personally to circle back to rather than circling through my daily diaries. Also, I want to avoid burnout of eating the same meals which will inevitably happen if I keep it up like this. My mind is just wired totally different. I need constant change sooner than later.
Monday Weekly Report: