May 27, 2024
You know, I think I may just have to end things here. Things are getting super hectic and I find it getting tougher and tougher to continue documenting each and every little thing I do. It was fun while it lasted. I made plenty of mistakes to not have an optimal weight loss. However, I was able to lose 25+ pounds overall in a course of 3 months while doing (mostly) keto. I feel I know a bit more to continue. I might even start meal prepping since I struggle to know what I am going to eat for the day and I get so overwhelmed and can't stop myself from overthinking and overanalyze many things and often nothing gets ultimately accomplished. The only way I'll be more productive is to change things up once in a while. So it might be best for me to take a break from my daily diaries for the time being.
Update to my tibia/shin bone injury: pain is still there. It's started to really freak me out. I got the injury not that far after me starting these diaries so practically damn near since March. I cannot afford to go to the doctor but this is really scaring me because it's affecting my ability to walk and needless to say exercise. I believe it was on its way to heal but I got too strenuous with my exercises and walking and put too much pressure on it and the pain has gotten worse over the past couple of weeks. I can still walk and stand but I have a burning needle like pain in my right shin/tibia.
As for a final weight in, last week I plateaued at 162 pounds but this final weigh in?
I lost 3.4 pounds this week. I honestly don't think it's accurate. I went on a mini hunger strike and didn't eat or even drink much. MUCH LESS THAN I USUALLY do which I admit I was already dangerously low in daily caloric intake to begin with. So I am not happy and might even regain this weigh difference back. However, let's stay optimistic here.
My highest weight ever in my existence was 187.6 pounds in early February 2024.
So that means in the span of 4ish months I lost a grand total of 29 pounds!! Now that is something worth celebrating!!!
I really wanted to create this blog to be inspiration as I had a hard time jumpstarting my weigh loss. However, I am just so emotionally unstable that I don't think I can carry that inspirational vibe. I almost feel like I am spiraling into another meltdown and I don't want to make this blog into a depressing overshare which I obviously have geared it towards. Might be best for me to do weekly posts rather than daily. I was starting to get stressed for trying to updating my food logs and everything in a timely manner and it took this long for me to realize that the stress of doing this daily is my cue to take a breathe and step back for a while. No shame in it!
I also need to focus on other projects while I recalibrate and refresh. I sound like a robot lol but that's just how my mind works. It's been a fun little experiment but you never know, I might be back sooner than later.
If you stuck around and ready my diaries then thank you. I truly do appreciate anyone who has taken time out of their day to read my random and emotional writings. I overshare quite a bit because I honestly have no one IRL to.share it with. I might even go back and delete some of it out of embarrassment but yeah. Thanks for for stopping by.
This is Rose signing out! 👏