May 22, 2024 Diary
Yesterday's weigh in snapped me back into reality. SO joked with me that I was developing an eating disorder because think about's a stone's throw away from bulimia. They actually DO eat it but induce vomiting to avert digestion whereas I just chew a few bites and spit it back out. His comment hurt me but I really needed to hear it out loud for it to sink in my head how I was toeing a thin line.
I am almost positive now that my body still absorbed some of those carbs and caused my body to feel out of wack to this domino effect. No energy to exercise, walk to the store, keeping on track with food logs accordingly. It all makes sense now! Back to reality.
I'm also putting together my StepBet post and just made all my nerdy calculations from my past games last night and ohhhh I'm so excited to share my findings for my previous year's worth of data!! Few days away.
I mowed the lawn today and in like 90 degrees temps!!! I actually quit for a few hours and finished the last 5ish minutes worth of it just now. That was my exercise today.
*I'm not doing the FB FIT Round 1 Program anymore but click the link if you want to do the program yourself.
For dinner we had leftover night. SO and son had the rest of the lasagna and I had leftover tortilla soup. Didn't know how to log it.