May 15, 2024 Diary
I'm trying to take meditation more seriously. During my Skincare Routine, I now turn on some meditation music on YouTube while I have my face mask. I should have done that much sooner (usually watch TV) but better late than never. Might have to reserve even more time for meditation because my stress levels have been through the roof lately and that's no bueno for weight loss.
Day 44 of 54 of the FB FIT Round 1 Program. All videos from Fitness Blender unless noted. YES IT IS THE SAME ONE AS YESTERDAY!
-14 Minute Bodyweight Cardio Felt the burn.
-17 Minute Six Pack Ab Burnout I like these fast 20 second rounds. One of my favs...and probably a repeat I think.
-18 Minute Daniel's Favorite Lower Back Stretches Ehhhh I did not do these stretches I just did my own cooldown.
-8 Minute Toning Lower Back*Extra Credit