May 13, 2024 Diary

Face reveal was yesterday so check out my progress so far. Unless I end up deleting it. Haven't decided just yet. I sometimes freak out and delete if I overshare...which I know I overshare a fuck ton on here but whatever. This blog has really low views and not many even visit my blog anymore anyway. I just like to shout in the void.

Approximately 2 weeks from today is when my StepBet membership renews and I'll start recording my profits and losses to truly see if it is worth it. If I have time to spare I might even dig back my old data to see if previous years were good.

On a serious note, shortly after lunch, I started having chest pains. Not heartburn but like a needle poking in my upper torso in small intervals. I randomly get them and it's past 10 pm. A little worrying. I only noticed the pains after I ate the fried spam. Also, according to my macros, I need to up my protein. That is wayyyy too low. High fat at that so that may be the reason for the pains. I also think I ought to up my calories. I have a gut feeling my body will go into some kind of shock if I keep it up at this rate. Sorry for sounding like a broken record but I just have no hunger much at all. Being under 1000 calories long term can't be good. I'll have to change things up soon.

Day 43 of 54 of the FB FIT Round 1 Program. All videos from Fitness Blender unless noted. 

-8 Minute HIIT Fat Blaster with Cardio Warmup This is an ooooollllldddd video due to the outdated graphics but I love humble beginnings. I treated this more of a warm up than HIIT and just went at a slower rate and no jumping was partook. There was a few moves that I definitely don't see in their more recent videos so that's something to note. 

-28 Minute Total Body Strength Training I started my session on the Google Pixel late but I did the entirety of the workout. I like the strength moves and then doing a quick cardio move in between sets as an active rest. Not my favorite.

-17 Minute Quick and Easy Pilates Toning Yo, I did not do this.