I am actually pretty excited for May because this means this is the month where I will officially be documenting all my profits from StepBet. That will be a whole separate post. Unfortunately that won't be for a while as my membership will renew on May 27th. So yeah. T-minus 26 days until the StepBet chronicle begins...
Now is the time for the grand measurements. Being May 1st let's start with the weight. 2 days ago on April 28th I was 165.4 lbs but this week?
I lost 1.9 pounds in 2 days which is concerning. As much as I want to be happy I don't like rapid weight loss as I flashback to my crash dieting days where I literally would eat a few crackers a day for food and that's how much weight I lost almost daily. Ended up in the hospital with gallstones which can be extremely painful. Oooh you don't want a gallbladder attack!! However I assume it was from all that water intake yesterday. I drank a looooot of water during mowing. So I am 80% sure it is water weight loss.
Okay now body measurements. Plz hold. OK NOW I HAVE IT!
Typo it's supposed to say 163.6 not 162.6 but oh well. It's a pain in the ass to edit on the free version of PicsArt. Sooooo this is what 10 pound loss looks like. Eh? Cool. Well here is slightly more calculations which includes ratios.
Soooooo how does my trajectory look like so far?
Tight! Tight! Tight!
Day 31 of 54 of the FB FIT Round 1 Program. All videos from Fitness Blender unless noted.
Focus: Functional Strength and Agility
Training Strategy: Brutal Functional Strength
-55 Minute Brutal Low Impact Body Workout I did not do this workout. Call me lazy or a flake all you want but I have some much needed chores to do around the house within a limited time frame. I did a portion of this workout but I surprisingly have a migraine in my right side of my head and many of these moves are floor so yeah no. Sorry but I feel like I deserve yet another rest day especially after yesterday.
QUICK HEADS UP: I will be doing some deep deep house cleaning for a while so this will get getting late update. Will do measurements tomorrow since I already ate and drank a lot. Morning is prime for measuring. Will retro update with measurements tomorrow.

Dinner was actually burgers! For 1 pound of meat I used 1 tbsp of Chipotle Hamburger seasoning and 1/2 tsp Hamburger seasoning both Bolner brand. Also, with 1 egg...weird I know but it's a family preference. Made quarter pounder burgers but I only ate 1.