April 30, 2024 Diary


I am starting to get a little weirded out when I look on the mirror. My face looks slimmer but that's obviously due to weight loss and gua sha. I wonder how much of that was actually from water weight. Eh....I actually took a series of progression pictures starting from the 1st day I did gua sha and then to now...wow what a difference!!! Hopefully when I feel confident when I lose another 10 pounds,  I might start posting pictures of myself on here.

Also, we have a relative coming into town supposedly tomorrow so i don't know how that will affect my routine. He might not even stay here since there's a lot of family around here. Not from my side obviously. Tbh, we are pretty much the black sheep of this sect of the family so we don't socialize with them much aside from holidays. Even then it feels like we are only invited so that they don't actively look like they are excluding us. Yeah we know, fam. We know.

Random rant time. My mental health has always been quite the struggle. I was always so used to just keeping my feelings to my damn self IRL anyway. That's why I honestly found it sooo odd when it is all of a sudden socially acceptable to talk about it. Call me weird but I don't think it should be AS acceptable because I notice it tends to be the fallback excuse for shitty people doing shitty things. When I make bad decisions, I never blame it on my bipolar. Explanation? Sure. But at the end of the day I am accountable for all my mistakes NOT my mental illness. That's the difference. 

 Day 30 of 54 of the FB FIT Round 1 Program. All videos from Fitness Blender unless noted. 

-44 Minute Day 2 of the Fitness Blender 5 Day Challenge to Burn Fat & Build Lean Muscle I did not do this. See why. 

-22 Minute Body Weight Only Upper Body Workout*Extra Credit

I honestly wish so bad I could exercise but after mowing my front and back yard I just want to dissolve in my bathtub. Still got one hell of a workout on my thighs because remember, we have hills.

For breakfast, you read right, I ate 2 over easy eggs for breakfast. My son didn't want his so he gave it to me. I need all the protein I can get since I have to mow the lawn today!