April 3, 2024 Diary

Woke up a bit sore in the legs. I think from now on I will actually seek an additional warm up and cool down even if it's already included in the program. I am just so out of shape that theirs alone won't cut it for me. I absolutely feel the soreness in my abs like everywhere! Good sore I suppose as I haven't worked that area in forever. It's not too much where it is a total bother but enough for me to notice with nearly every movement.

As for my nutrition, I realize that I must make better food choices due to working out more. I felt like shit yesterday so I know I need to do better with what I eat to make sure I get more protein, vitamins and minerals. I was never good at that kind of stuff.

Also, I've been thinking of adding something new to my routine next week. Starting the day with tea for that boost in energy and weight loss. I'll read up more on that.

Without further ado, let's do...

Day 3 of the 54 Day FB Fit Round 1 Workout! 

-8 Minute Warm Up @Yes2Next This was just to open up my stiff muscles. Extremely low impact and plus her voice is so soothing. I felt slightly more energized to start my workout after this. so yeah.

-50 Minute Upper Body Strength Workout Warm Up and Cool Downs are included but I wasn't going to take any chances. For the workout, I accidentally tagged this as Aerobic Workout on my Google Pixel 2 but it was supposed to be Strength Training! I mean, it was in the dang title! Oh well but yeah despite the 50 minute workout, it was easy peasy. Not really especially towards the end. I was slumping over when it came to the planking set. Good burn, though.

-9 Minute Upper Body Stretch @Kaleigh Cohen Strength Sure Fitness Blender's cool down was nice but I wasn't going to risk more sore muscles again so I went back to 'ol reliable Kaleigh.


-Simple Gua Sha tutorial and Gua Sha for Double Chin @TinaEngeo

-40 minute indoor walk after dinner.

View all my April Diaries here