April 26, 2024 Diary

I just realized something. I rarely have migraines anymore. I used to have them so frequently since I was a teen. Could've been stressed induced but yeah I had to fucking buy BULK bottles of ibuprophen at a time. Ever since starting keto I realized I haven't been taking ibuprophen in weeks. Super cool. I didn't even get the dreaded "keto flu" everyone talks about. I honestly wasn't even aware of such a thing until after I started keto 🫨

 I've read how painful and inconvenient it can be for some people. I was waiting and waiting for it to come for me and it just...never did. They say it usually happens due to low sodium and/or hydration??? Not clear on that but if that's the case then that's probably why I never got the keto flu. It's not mandatory to have one to achieve ketosis usually for ones whose bodies have to go a drastic change or something idfk.

I cheated on the scale and did a quick weigh in for a hot second. Let's just say I am super happy at my progress! The official weekly weigh in is in 2 days on the 28th so we'll see if i can keep up that momentum. 

Day 26 of 54 of the FB FIT Round 1 Program. All videos from Fitness Blender unless noted. 

-14 Minute Rock/Metal Walking Workout @BrandFitness Not FB FIT but wanted extended warm up. Nostalgic for sure since these songs came out when I was in middle/high school (except Metallica obviously) Drowning Pool specifically has a special place in my heart ❤️ I still reel from Dave Williams passing RIP. He died from heart failure at the height of the band's popularity which is insane because "Bodies" is such a classic and still gets heavy radio play to this day 🥲

-84 Minute Strength, HIIT Cardio and Abs Workout The longest workout I have ever done!!!!!!!! I'll be honest, the only reason why I didn't quit is because of the shame of saying I quit and it would've been reflected in my heart rate zones in the daily breakdown. Glad I finished. Said it was a 1,000 calorie burn but on my end it was more like 900 which is still a great achievement in itself. Wow. They really made me work for those rest days this weekend.