April 20, 2024 Diary
My back hurts. Maybe that's because of the angle I was sleeping. Also, remember to have a good diet. Meaning, don't be like me and eat 1000 calories or less a day. I personally have struggled with having an appetite but 'ol Google says 1000 calorie days are not sustainable for weight loss. At least go for 1200 calories bare minimum.
I haven't been remembering my dreams lately but small fragments. In the past 2 months I had 3 dreams that strongly signify big life changes which is super interesting as I never had so many in a little time span. 1st one was when I saw a controlled fire when the tip of a church was burning. It was only an arrow shaped tip and never spread. 2nd was when I found a dead snake. 3rd was last night when I was in a car that was street racing and it went over a very high cliff but above a crowd as if it were a spectacle and I made a clean landing. Looking up all 3 meanings unanimously pointed out to either an end of an era or a big life change. Interesting.
Unfortunately I also had a night terror with overwhelming dread that felt like I was going to die from a blood clot in my leg. Oddly specific huh?
Day 20 of the FB FIT Round 1 Program
-13 Minute Goodbye Stress Stretch