April 19, 2024 Diary

Where has the week gone?! This week flew by so fast. In less than 2 weeks we have to attend a gathering with the MD fam to celebrate Greek Easter. Not my choice to attend but I have to so whatever. Haven't seen them since the Superbowl party which was before I started my weight loss journey so I really do wonder if they will see any difference? I'll check back in May 5...on Cinco de Mayo 🥳 🎉 🪅 

Courtesy reminder to those who struggle or not seeing immediate results: stay strong! Don't let anyone discourage you on how you go about your own weight loss journey whether it's from WHAT you eat or HOW you exercise. Bottom line: You have accomplished more than before you started. Get rid of that toxic positivity telling you that you have to give 150% in everything you do. It's not a race nor a competition to see who can lift heavier weights, losing the most weight the fastest.There WILL be some down days and obstacles or even a relapse or two...just don't stay down. Get up and do better. You're only as good as your weakest link. So strengthen that weakest link then! Only YOU know your own body and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 

Day 19 of 54 of FB FIT Round 1. All videos are from Fitness Blender unless noted.

-53 Minute Strength, HIIT and Pilates Workout Warm Up and Cool Down included. Didn't know what to label this as on my Pixel because it was a mix as you can tell in the title. HIIT is what I'm the weakest in. I mean hellooooo it literally stands for High Intensive Interval Training and that's almost always what I have to do modifications for. And there was so many variations of squats and lunges oh lordy. But I did it. Stretches was last so I cut the timing short but still did them.

Eh, almost had a clean keto salad. I cooked chicken breast but gave it to my son since he makes his own lunch and wanted a chicken Fettuccine Alfredo so I happily donated the chicken to him. Ended up using grilled spam for protein. I also made my own Keto Ranch Dressing which was super easy with Homemade Mayo. I loooove making my own mayo 👌