April 17, 2024 Diary

Back to doing gua sha twice daily and sometimes using the jade roller briefly but will no longer link videos in the daily diaries because it's cumbersome. Just assume I do it as part of my daily skincare routine. Overkill? Maybe but bare minimum it sure as fuck is relaxing. Might be comfortable enough to post progress pics in a month or two. 

Yay so on to the workouts.

What I love the most about these Fitness Blender workouts is that Daniel and Kelli are super down to earth. I've noticed that even as actual certified trainers like themselves that have been on Youtube for nearly 13 years now (!!!) they constantly remind you to listen to your body and never over exert yourself as it can do more harm good to push beyond your own limits and risk muscle injury. People who criticise this crucial advice are either doing beginner friendly workouts or not even doing good form to begin with. Maybe even both. You think you know everything until you get that first muscle injury. If anything, they actually encourage people at home to modify moves if necessary. Can't do a full squat? Do a half squat. Can't do a full pushup? Use yo knees. Can't do a burpee? Do 1 leg at a time. I love how they never shame anyone as these modifications in one particular workout is a regular move in another workout so it's not exactly "cutting corners" as you are still benefitting from the workout. They are super encouraging to people of all levels of fitness. They have said they would rather you go slow and focus on doing the moves RIGHT rather than going fast with sloppy form. It just defeats the purpose of the workout if you don't do it right. PLANK MOVES I AM LOOKING AT YOU! I hear all the time they say "You don't have to go as fast as Kelli" or "Go low as your body will allow" which is the best advice from an actual certified professional.

Don't believe me? Here's one article actually recommending modifying exercises. This literally applies to everyone in every fitness level. Here's another article I came across about modifying workouts. Give it read! Just the one of many I came across that confirms what I always believed.

In the end, you're still burning calories and you're still getting that heart pumping. I've seen at least 1 of them change to modification during one of those torcherous HIIT workouts. So relatable.

Starting to really love looking at myself in the mirror more. I feel more of that muscle definition in my legs and Calves. My face has noticeably slimmed down and my stomach has stopped being bloated. My tank tops are fitting more loosely!! I guess all my doubts were not as bad as I thought. We are our own worst critic ya know. 

Day 17 of the FB Fit Round 1 Program. Decided to just continue as scheduled.

-45 Minute HIIT and Abs Workout Holy moly what a wicked burn. I did notice my arms are getting a bit stronger especially during the downward dog one. Still room for improvement but liking the growth so far. I forgot to set my Fitbit to this workout though so that info is lost 😭

-5 Minute Butt & Thigh Workout Feels like I have done this before. My goshhhhhh never underestimate how much you want to die after a workout not matter how short it is. Intensive to the core, man.

As for my lunch, needing to ween off spam despite being keto, it is a processed meat filled with nitrates. The partner thought he was being supportive in buying loads of cans of spam. A for effort lol. I'll finish the cans eventually but aiming to shift to clean keto. Such a shame but I feel processed meats like spam does more harm than good.