April 15, 2024 Diary
My blog has a new look!! I'm still not satisfied with it so I may tweak some things in the future but I think it's better than the original default theme.
I have watched a loooooot of "How I lost xx Pounds" videos. A lot of good insight but few were actually useful as majority were bland advice you could find on Google "DiEt AnD eXeRcISe GuYzZz" Yeah no shit. I'll compile a list of my favorites eventually but off the top of my head Jordan Shrinks is an amazing channel I have watched her journey for years but she finished her weight loss years ago. Nowadays she does weight loss advice related vids now she's very empathetic and compassionate towards those going through the same thing.
Mental wellness goals is to be like Dominique Sachse she is so gorgeous and elegant albeit a little too bougie. But she has an all around calm and zen vibe about her I really aspire to be. She shows that someone like me can age like fine wine. Only thing I get miffed about is how vocal she is about god and jesus. I'm athiest so I am not about that life but it's easy just to tune those parts out and acknowledge the point she was getting at which is usually humility.
I won't name this next one but it's there's this asian guy who recently finished a glow down to glow up challenge. The concept was interesting but the guy is annoying honestly. He seems egotistical and has some overly childish cringe monologues & editing so yeah this is just not for me. Plus his challenge was just for 2 months after he purposely gained about 20 pounds and then lost it doing insane mostly unrelatable workouts the average Joe wouldn't have the capacity to do. He's unrealistic and petty complaint: his massive swollen lips creeps me the fuck out. No way that isn't natural. It's painful to look at it.
Day 15 of 54 of FB FIT Round 1 Program. All videos are from Fitness Blender unless otherwise noted.
-6 Minute Cardio Warm Up Running behind schedule so I didn't do any Yes2Next warmups today and skipped straight into the FB FIT Program.
-15 Minute Total Body HIIT Workout This one was hella challenging for such a short workout.
-30 Minute Brutal Butt Workout For the first time since I started these daily diaries, I started shaking during a workout. I never get that level of shaky unless it's something wrong with my body. It's not the lactic acid build up type of shaky but more like low blood sugar kind of shakes so I listened to my body and stopped at 20 minutes and jumped straight to drinking my protein shake and Omega-3 pill before I did my stretch.
-EXTRA CREDIT 7 Minute Scientific Total Body Workout I DID NOT DO THIS ONE.
-15 Minute Full Body Stretch @Kayleigh Cohen Stretch This really helped my back after doing all those deadlifts. Also, I noticed I have much better form in doing the cobra pose and the back stretch (hands behind back). So yeah this has definitely improved my flexibility.
I prefer to have avocado for breakfast but none I had were ripe enough 😠I wonder if the absence of that is why I got the shakes??? (Update: Google says no)