April 14, 2024 Diary
Yes I do ultimately finish each diary eventually; usually by noon the following day as a last resort. Yesterday's was rough as weekend diaries usually do. So please keep checking in!! Yesterday I Sliced my finger open while doing dishes so it limited a lot what I had to do that day. I didn't even do any skin care or gua sha 😱😱😱 But I got back to my routine today so yay.
You know what day it is? Weekly weigh in day. I was nervous because like I said before my pants and shirts still feel tight on me so I honestly didn't think I lost any weight this week and if anything, I gained! Well, well, well. Never underestimate muscle gains especially while losing weight.
Last week I was 173.4 lbs but this week?
That's a loss of 2.5 pounds!! Some people lose way more weight but a wise man once said "Comparison is the thief of joy." Be happy for your own successes and don't get bogged down if your weight loss is not as big as others. I am super happy but this actually marks a new goal completed: Weigh less than I first moved to Maryland. Yes, I live in Maryland! 3 years ago I weighed 172 pounds (gained a lot after that). So excited that I finally surpassed that goal finally!!! Now to the next goal: 150 pounds. Which was the weight I was back in my homestate that I seemed to stay in that weight for like 2 years or something. I'd love to reach that again.
Total weight loss since February 2024 is 16.8 pounds! Can you believe it?!