April 12, 2024 Diary

I am having a lot of trouble doing keto recipes..they always seem to have a high carb count. I even google and it's confirmed that baking does not affect carb counts. When I did the math on my keto mug cake recipe, net carbs came out to 12 g NET CARBS not even total but the website I got it from says 3.9 literally 1/3 of a difference. I even use the same exact monk fruit she did in her recipe which is the root of the uptick in net carbs. I don't get it...

Also I might be changing the way I eat sooner than later because despite my food logs and fitness activity I am still just as bulky and fat as last month. I measured my legs and arms and it almost looks like the same from my April 1st measurements. My belly is more bloated now too. Wtf. I drink a lot of water, eating more cleaner and exercising everyday not to mention over 10k steps daily so WTF am I still fat and bloated?!?

Now for the workouts:

Day 12 of 54 of the FB FIT Round 1 Program. All are from Fitness Blender unless noted. Today's workout had some out of order videos listed so I reshuffled to what I think is best suited for today's torture.

-10 Minute Walking Workout Warmup @Yes2Next *NOT FBFIT. I no longer trust FB FIT to have fulfilling workouts for newbies like me...we require a teensy bit more warm ups and these vids are worth it.

-6 Minute Cardio Warm Up One of my favorite warm ups from Fitness Blender.

-20 Minutes Static Home Workout I really like this one the structure is different. This one has a regular move like a squat for a brief few seconds and then the next move is holding that squat. A few other moves too. Might put this in my rotation I the future when I'm done with FB FIT.

-63 Minutes HIIT & Abs Workout Disclaimer: I only was able to do 30 mins which is half the workout. It was way too strenuous on my heart and felt like I was going to just drop dead...and this is from doing half time and slight modification of easier moves. Still an accomplishment regardless. No way this can feasible for non active people like me to do ALL of these workouts on today's schedule. But at least I had a combined 50 minutes of exercise today.

-13 Minute Cool Down To be honest I was way too frustrated at myself to do cool down so I hopped in the shower after I rage quit the HIIT workout.

Other Exercises I did:

-Simple Gua Sha tutorial and Gua Sha for Double Chin @TinaEngeo Yes I have been doing these every day except 1 day but yeah sometimes I forget to link it.

-70 minutes indoor walking (40 before dinner and 30 after dinner)

View all my April Diaries here