April 11, 2024 Diary

Having mixed feelings on my body progress. So I currently wear size XL in stretchy yoga pants. In my first month (AKA last month) of doing these daily diaries my pants were feeling looser which COOL RIGHT? Now? They feel tighter. I suppose that is from doing more thigh workouts but man...here I was thinking I should go straight to buying a medium 3 pack of the same exact yoga pants figuring I'd slip in them in no time. HAH NO. On the plus side, my thighs are soooo much more toned so that's what should really matter. Just a little PSA I guess if you personally ever feel a bit down on your weight loss progress.

And the 14 is my weekly weigh-in and I am NOT feeling too confident even though I am doing everything as documented in my diaries. We'll see though. 

Sometimes I get so consumed with something and spend literal hours on something so menial that most people won't know or even care and then I end up forgetting about it. Today? I created a new page for my Daily Routine that I try to abide by which my Skincare Routine is also included. Check it out when you get a chance.

Day 11 of 54 of the FB FIT Round 1 Program. I used my 5 lb dumb bells.

-15 Minute Walking Workout Warmup @Yes2Next *Not FB FIT. I decided that the included warm ups in the FB FIT were not enough for me so from now on, I'm doing a separate warm up and this one is perfect. Great for sore muscles which I faintly got a hint of.

-44 Minutes Burn Fat and Build Lean Muscle Workout Completely doable loving the structure of this workout. But it contains of my 2 most despised workouts: pushups and (a variant of) burpees. I did them anyway but I try to have a glass half full mentality of saying to myself "You don't get better by quitting". Just half ass it if you must but make it a goal to step it up the next round. So that's what I did to push through those moves. I'm sure it will get easier the more I do it. It fucking better. 

View All April Diaries Here