April 10, 2024 Diary
Incoming TMI I just wanted to share something personal about me. You could easily skip and go straight to the workouts otherwise.
So I go on Reddit for like literally hours everyday. 90% lurker but will occasionally comment on posts and sometimes people reply. I woke up today to a DM and it really touched me. This person said they came across a comment of mine a few weeks ago who seemed to suffer the same things I described (which was stemmed from deep childhood and young adult trauma) and said they recently got diagnosed with Real Event OCD and told me to look into it.
I was firstly touched by the DM because the OP's post itself was about dwelling on the past and there were dozens of other Redditors who commented and this person in particular DM'd meeeeee. Don't know if I am one of many or the only one but regardless I appreciated the message because I am a lost puppy here. Real Event OCD is basically the overfixation or constant rumination in past events going so far to avoid certain people, places, actions or whatever that would trigger that bad memory. Usually it is accompanied with intense guilt, sadness, anger, anxiety and so on.
Holy shit I have suffered that all through my life. I had no idea there was a "label" for that. I thought it was just a symptom of my depression/anxiety (which I actually DID get diagnosed with as a teenager 20 years ago....yeah I'm 35 whatevs) I have always avoided looking at certain pictures of mine because my memory associates with it with a terrible memory that happened on that day or shortly after. Even watching TV, hearing a specific word, location or even NAME being spontaneously mentioned has been known to send me into a triggering forced flashback sobbing meltdown. I wish I were kidding. Plz don't judge.
But being on keto has helped me a lot. Not a "cure" by any means because I still have episodes but the severity has definitely lessened. That's part of why I wanted to make a positive change in my life with diet and exercise. Sorry for the personal post today, I'll not to make a habit of oversharing after today lol.
Another thing I am starting to implement is skincare which I heavily stopped doing for the past 10 years and since I'm closer to 40 than 30 at this point, I'm noticed I'm aging dreadfully. I'll post my routine later this week.
Woke up with my arms sore as hell. Good kind of sore. Note to self: DO MORE COOL DOWN ARM STRETCHES NEXT TIME I DO ARM WORKOUTS!
Day 10 of 54 of the FB FIT Challenge! Or Program, I think I use those 2 interchangeably.
-40 Minute Butt and Thigh Workout Wasn't as difficult as anticipated. Was worried this was a strength workout but it was more for squats not as much for utilizing arm workouts.
-16 Minute Low Impact Butt and Thigh Workout *ALT 1 OF 2. YOU PICK. I skimmed through both videos and opted for this one because I thought I would get more out of this. Well I suuuuure did. There's a lot of small range movements but that doesn't mean it doesn't....what's the word? BUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRN.
-32 Minutes Lower Body and Core Tabata Workout *ALT 2 OF 2. YOU PICK. I DID NOT DO THIS ONE! It was my original pick though but I was so tired from the 1st workout I opted to go for the first alternative.
-5 Minute Butt Workout Finished this one and it was rough. I don't think this was a wise choice to have as a last workout. I think I might've fared way better as a 2nd workout rather than the last. Food for thought if I even do this program again. I was exhausted and basically did half the speed Kelli did in here.
View All My April Diaries Here