March 1, 2024 Diary

I am taking my weight loss SERIOUSLY this time so here is my first of many weekly plans for what I did. I already started in February by drinking 90 oz of water daily and started a keto diet in the last 2 weeks explaining my foods and trying my best in keeping everything keto friendly as much I can.

I'll be sure to document all my highs and lows so yeah be prepared for that.

View all my March 2024 Diaries here

What really broke me is that 10 years ago from today is when I weighed the lowest in my adult life or very damn near it and on this graph you see the rapid trajectory. NOW, I want to mirror that weight loss and ultimately go back to that 120 pounds. It was 2014 where I weighed that low.

Starting Body Measurements (will do these on a weekly basis) HOWEVER my real beginning weight was 187.6 pounds (which will be my base line to calculate total pounds lost) in February but I did not document nor have daily diaries for it. 5.4 pounds lost in February but as of March 1, 2024 my weight is:

Since February:

Food intake:

Water Intake 90 oz goal spaced evenly throughout the day:

Cardio Score:

Exercise: 20 Minutes Fat Burning Workout for Total Beginners And 10 Minuter Standing Arm Workout I used 5 pound dumb bells because that's all I have. I also played ping pong for like 15 minutes. My arm feelz like jello.

And Total Steps: