March 27, 2024 Diary

I hate admitting I currently wear XL in stretchy yoga pants in order to be comfortable. Glad to report that I may actually need to go down a size really soon. I think I will stick it out with this size and just order a pair of mediums just so I can give myself that extra boost in motivation. I already own a bunch of small yoga pants back when I was much thinner.

Not weight loss related but I saw the new Doctor Who trailer and I am fucking STOKED 😃 !! I forgot they casted Ncuti Gatwa as the 15th Doctor...the first black actor to be cast! Not that race matters or anything's hard to not notice how every single carnation of The Doctor in its 60+ years of existence were white caucasian. He totally looks like a breath of fresh air he looks so awesome! I'm still salty that Clyde and Rani were not crossed over to be the new companions since they both met him before. Clyde himself met 10th AND 11th Doctor. Showrunner fucked up by depriving us of the hilarious ONSCREEN interactions we would have seen with 12th Doctor 😭 

Exercises I did:

-10 Minutes Full Body Warm Up @Grow With Jo Gave me great energy. It's a very decent warm up to have in my rotation honestly.

-36 Minute Day 3 of "Upper Body" workout of 20-10-5 program @Grow with Jo My least favorite workout by far. Jo often talks while the timer is running to explain the moves and wastes UP TO 10 SECONDS! Unless you already know the move, this is not ideal for first timers. I had to continue doing reps during the "rest" to offset that waste of precious time but it makes me having to repeat the cycle in the next set rendering these timers meaningless in the end. Horribly structured IMO. Not happy but I did finish this workout. The preview window move doesn't help me much either. Did not feel challenged in this workout but that may mean I need to up my weights but 5 lbs dumb bells is all I have.

-10 Minute Standing Arm Workout @FitByMik After feeling the need for more burn of a workout, I chose this perfect one. Mik explained the moves during the rest breaks which is what Jo should have been doing. I'm not mad, just disappointed.

-24 minutes of stretches (highly recommend for today's type of workout). 9 Minute Upper Body Stretch and 15 Minute (Full Body) Post Workout Body Stretch both from @Kaleigh Cohen Strength. Totally worth doing both and I feel super energized even after all those workouts.

-30 minute indoor walk after dinner.
OMG THE NUMBER FINALLY CHANGED! Only by 1 number but hey that's progress, baby!