March 25, 2024 Diary

So it is Monday and Fitbit sends the weekly report late in the evening. So here is mine. Might be the last one since my Google Pixel will be coming in a few days and I think it works off a different app.

The kiddo is off from school for Spring Break this week. He's in high school so he's going to be doing what any teenager will do...SLEEP DURING THE DAY AND STAY UP ALL NIGHT! That's literally what I did when I was his age so I won't even rain on his parade. As long as he does his chores...Hey I'm not complaining though because that means I get to exercise in the morning uninterrupted. 

Upon waking up, legs no longer feel sore BUT they do feel like they need to be stretched. You know that feeling, fam? I realized I have the Beach Body Brazil Butt Lift DVDs so eventually I might take a crack at those

I put on my stretchy pants that I haven't used in a while and holy shit it's loose as hell. Usually my fatty thighs fits snuggly in those things where it's comfortably tight but today there is a noticeable sag like everywhere! I had to pick up my pants because it kept drooping off my hips and eventually had to change because it bugged the hell out of me.

Exercises I did:

-20 minute walk to store in the AM

-25 minutes walking dawg immediately when I got home.

-36 Minute Day 1 Full Body Cardio Weight and Core @Grow With Jo She released this 5 Day program for free for this week (according to her community post) I did this at the YouTube premiere and boi was I sweating!! 

-10 Minute Kettlebell Workout @Fitness Blender I only did 1 round because I felt I could totally use more of a workout. Instant regret as I got lactic acid built up in my legs but I forced myself to finish this round.

-15 Minute Post Workout Stretch @Kaleigh Cohen Strength Confession: I struggle with sitting with crossed legs AKA criss cross applesauce AKA "indian style" as it used to be called when I was a kid but political correctness so literally no one says that anymore to avert offense. My legs sometimes fall asleep like the last KCS stretch I did last week. This time it didn't but it was still a struggle to keep my posture upright.

-20 minute walking doggo in the PM.