March 20, 2024 Diary
So yesterday marked the first day of SPRING! I somehow missed the notice despite me watching the morning news every single day. Wow so that means I have 1 whole season to lose substantial weight before I take my vacation...if I even end up going!!
Unpopular opinion: I love the clumps my chocolate protein powder makes in my almond milk. That's been a huge con in a lot of reviews of this product but I personally love it! It's like small pockets of soft chocolate bombs that I drink. It's lovely. I've actually consumed this powder in fruit smoothies and stuff but I lay off the fruits for the most part and I got tired of cleaning my Ninja Blender ever single day. Just a lil anecdote about me haha.
Exercises I did:
- 20 minutes walk mah dawg in the AM.
-30 Minutes Walking Workout Full Body @Senior Shape Fitness Don't let the channel name fool ya. First time with this channel and this pushes your limits! I like the style of this video as the exercises are in short spurt circuits and only lasts as long as the current song playing...which is 5-6 short ones. Doable for beginners. I had noticeable lactic acid build up in my thighs throughout the entire workout but was tolerable enough for me to complete this workout. COOLDOWN IS INCLUDED IN THE VIDEO!! Yah!
-30 Minutes Kettlebell Workout @Fitness Blender I did all 3 rounds today with a 5 lb kettlebell. This has been my most repeated workout within the past 10 years. Always builds a great sweat. I just never do it regularly as I should.
- Simple Gua Sha tutorial and Gua Sha for Double Chin in the AM and PM.
-30 minutes walking dawg in the evening.
View all my March 2024 Diaries here