March 2, 2024 Diary

I still have so much to learn about the keto diet's do's and don't. I want to do everything right to get the most benefits and lose the optimal (and healthy) amount of weight but man...there really is a lot to learn about it.

This website helps telling you what product is keto friendly or not. Good for traveling.

Currently taking supplements. Specifically Vitafusion's Women Complete Multivitamin Gummies and Nordic Naturals Omega 3. Today I found out the gummies are a big fat NAH, BRO when it comes to keto. Not sure why. That's what Carb Manager told me and I am mortified because that is what I have been taking this whole time. I think my Omega 3 is fine but damn. I have 1 1/2 bottles of the gummies and it would be a waste of money to trash it. Still considering taking it until it runs out.

For Exercise: Had to do indoor walks in 2 sessions. 45 minutes & 30 minutes. My legs are sore from yesterday so I decided take a rest day.

View all my March 2024 Diaries here

Here are the rest of the stats.