March 18, 2024 Diary
Feeling the effects from last night's intense water chug. Literally went to pee 4 times between me going to bed and before eating breakfast. Yikes.
Had a rough morning. Every time I get into an argument with the significant other before he leaves for work, it seriously messes my mental state so much that it becomes a serious struggle for me to be productive. Was supposed to walk to the store today but I just can't go out in public in this mental state. Plus it's really windy out there. Sticking to everything else though.
Also, I am gradually working towards extending more workout sessions during the week. My body is quickly adjusting. Very little sore time in between thanks for hydration and stretching and plain 'ol listening to my body's limits. I read somewhere to aim for 60 minutes daily. Will get there eventually.
Exercises I did:
- 25 minutes of: 2 mile Walking Workout via @GrowWithJo According to Fitbit got me 3,000 steps recorded. Lots of squats included. Oh lordy.
-10 Minutes Standing Arm Workout via FitbyMik Love the burn!
-9 Minute Upper Body Post Workout Stretch via Kaleigh Cohen Strength First time with this channel and I like it. Best with more intensive arm workouts but whateva. Followed by drinking my protein almond milk shake.
-Simple Gua Sha and Gua Sha for Double Chin in the AM
-30 minute walk before dinner.
-30 minute walking dawg in the evening.
View all my March 2024 Diaries here