March 15, 2024 Diary


This post may be incomplete but don't leave yet! It will be updated throughout the day for accuracy.

So my Fitbit charger arrived yesterday but unfortunately, despite my well intention to get my Sense to work it failed to revive from the dead. It first acted like all my basic Amazon chargers would but since this is an official charger, it ended up doing something slightly different. It. Kept. REBOOTING! No, not good, dawg. I kept it on the charger for a couple hours and it was dangerously overheating and on reboot loop so I had to disconnect for good. Sadz.

I did not do my Gua Sha sessions yesterday because I was starting to doubt myself it was actually working BUT the significant other said after dinner that he actually did notice less "bloat" in my face lately. I wish he didn't use that WORD but it got the point across regardless. Convinced me to resume after that 1 day hiatus.

Exercises I did today:

 - 16 Minute Walking Workout via Grow With Jo This is great for beginners but I dislike the music choice but "muting" it to play your music is actually feasible. Will do that next time.

10 Minutes Crunchless Ab Workout via Fitness Blender One of my favorites. Not difficult at all to do.

-10 Minute Standing Arm Workout via FitbyMik Been doing this one a lot lately. Love the simple yet effective workouts. Used 5 pound dumb bells. Will eventually have to higher weights when my body gets used to it. Immediately followed by my protein almond milk.

-Resumed Simple Gua Sha tutorial and Gua Sha for Double Chin

-80 minute indoor walk total (40 minute walk before dinner and 40 minutes after dinner.)

View all my March 2024 Diaries here