March 13, 2024 Diary

I woke up feeling refreshed. Seems like every time I take a magnesium citrate chewy, I seem to be more likely to have pleasant lucid dreams. Oooor it could be a placebo idk but I just hope it keeps up.

Also, I have recalculated my macros on Perfect Keto and I decided to go with these numbers from here on out because I trust those fools.

As you can tell from my past couple of food logs, I am not the best when it comes to keeping my macros in check. It is not even accurate at times because I sometimes homemake dinners and it's hard to calculate exact measurements. So this is more like a baseline of how I ate as I sometimes forget to weigh food (like yesterday's chicken thigh).  Some food logs may look a bit unorthodox but trust. I either air fried, pan fry or oven baked my protein and roasted the veggies. It makes a yummy conbination! 

I am excited for tomorrow's weekly weigh in because I seriously feel my stretchy pants feeling looser and I am starting to see a resemblance of a thigh gap forming! I cheated the day before yesterday and weighed myself for a hot second. Let's just say...I anticipate tomorrow.

Exercises I did:

- Started the morning with this 5 Minute Cardio Warm Up

- I did this 28 minute Total Body Strength and Core Workout which included warm up and cool down (wish I didn't do the first warm up!)

10 Minute Standing Arm Workout with 5 pound dumb bells. Immediately followed by my protein snack almond milk.

-After this I did the Simple Gua Sha tutorial and then Gua Sha for Double Chin in the AM

-90 minutes walking total: 40 minutes indoor in the AM and 50 minutes after dinner in the PM.

View all my March 2024 Diaries here