April 1, 2024 Diary

First of a few things today. First, weigh in and body measurements for the first of the month! Woo hoo!

So last week I weighed in at 174.7 lbs and today I now weigh:

Alright. .9 lb lost. Wish it could have been a whole ass pound but hey...I'll take it. When I went through my 1st and 2nd weight loss I was losing this much practically daily but hey I'm not 24 years old anymore I'm 35 and I have old lady metabolism! Ugh. Still sad it's not dramatic weight loss. I definitely need to redo my diet or something. 

But you know what? Still a cause for celebration because that means I lost a total of 13.2 pounds since February but I didn't do diaries/measurements back then to compare. I went from 187 to 174.8 lbs. Still an accomplishment. Some will have greater weight loss and some (like me) will lose it slow and steady. I will have to come to terms with that.

Next is body measurements.

Now for this one, these measurements are from my March 7th Diary because I forgot to digitize my March 1st measurements and then I lost the paper I wrote it on! For this one I am measuring based on this video mainly but also that video from YouTube. And here are the results:

Not going to lie but I am disappointed that I hardly saw ANY change in body measurements. I thought I'd for sure see more progress especially in the my thigh and calf measurements. How the fuck did my neck get wider?!? This is why I think I may have measured incorrectly. So this is a mental note for me to use the above linked YouTube videos to make sure I measure just like that from now on. I knew water weight would be the first to go but eh I was hoping for more of a change. 

On the plus side, I see a very noticeable change in my face. Could be due to my daily gua sha or just from the weight loss but there is a lot less bloat in my face and i am all for it. I took pictures for proof but don't feel comfortable showing myself quite yet. When I start to look more hawt I totally post 'em.

Off the Loftilla app, I input my measurements there too: 
Yup, that's what I got to work with. Sorry I am posting all these nerdy calculations but these type of things just really intrigue me. I love looking at stuff like this.

Oops and also, it's Monday so it's a Fitbit Week Report today!

Second is the exercise. I want to try something different for this month. I want to know what it feels like to do one of those fancy challenges. You know, the ones the hip people do. The one I bought a long ass time ago was FB Fit 8 Week Fat Loss Program to Lose Weight, Build Lean Muscle and Tone Up Round 1. When I bought this in 2016 it was $14.99 but currently it is $19.99! Inflation, man. All of these are technically FREE workouts on their YouTube channel but we are paying for the curator aspect to perfectly fit our goals. 

Sooo without further ado I'll be a sneaky sneak and post the program here but daily. Here is Day 1:

-5 Minute Total Body Cardio Warm Up @Fitness Blender

-Today's Workout will be different because the purpose of today's workout is to set a standard to compare to the final day of the program. I'll be doing a PFT also known as Physical. Fitness. Test. Which is as follows: Their explanation video for the curious.

*1 Mile Run: 10 minutes 42 seconds.

This was on my treadmill so I feel it wasn't entirely fair as I had no authentic control on my genuine speed compared to being outside. I started off at a slow pace setting the treadmill at 2.5 speed but eventually upped it to 3.5 towards the end. I guess the key to this is as comfortable as you can. Next time, I'll go outside.

How Many Can You Do Until Exhaustion?


Yes, seriously!


Thighs were burning but that's the point.

*STATIC PLANK: 36 seconds

Felt like murder.



And that is it. We will circle back to do the same PFT on the final day of the 8 Week Plan on May 24, 2024. Rest of the workouts will be through free YouTube videos on the schedule. See ya tomorrow. That is, after the cool down:

-Fast 5 Minutes Cool Down and Stretching Workout for Busy People

-Simple Gua Sha tutorial and Gua Sha for Double Chin @TinaEngeo

View all my April Diaries here

This post is getting way too long so I am just doing to cut my food logs for today only. Blogger is such a pain in the ass and gets iffy when I post too many pictures here. But if you do want to know what I ate it was honestly not much. I had such a low appetite yesterday it is really concerning me. Breakfast I had 1 over easy egg with 1/4 cup of Greek yogurt. Lunch AND Dinner I had the same meals. I air fried 2 oz of kielbasa with 1 cup of frozen broccoli (airfyer 370F for 10 minutes). I had this twice like I said. Snacks were a string cheese and 1/2 oz pork rinds. I'll force myself to eat more because this doesn't like ok.