Free Workout Resource: Darebee

I came across this website and I was pretty impressed! Darebee has no ads whatsoever and has free exercise plans accompanied with graphics that show what muscle groups are being worked on. There's numerous exercise plans free to download with varying levels of difficulty.

Since all I do is cardio, I totally need to exercise as well so I personally chose the Square One program who is designed for...well, beginners! 

This site seems to be run on donations only and call me crazy but I dontated $10 off the bat after browsing the site. Great resource and I love the NO ADS part of it so why not? 

I'm currently working on a Google Sheet to track all sorts of interesting metrics for aiding you in your weightloss. This particular one will be for the 2024 year for those who want to start those New Years resolutions. It's an adaptation from my previous Google Sheet that I shared. I'm currently making a full length 366 day Sheet (because LEAP YEAR) along with an extensive post simplying it for those interested. 

It will be ready to go in the next couple weeks/months.