*Free* Weight Loss+ Google Sheet

 Hey there everyone. I wanted to share something that I came across a few weeks ago and I think it is essential for anyone wanting to record your stats. I actually found the 1st sheet through a Google search BUT I added the rest of the sheets. Credit to u/Likwidtek for explanation on the 1st sheet he created. I am in the middle of making a new updated intro post to explain the formulas I added so you won't get into any hiccups should you input data conflicting with existing formulas.

The customizations I did: water intake, exercise tracking, body measurements, potty breaks, mood tracker, food log and lastly, a sheet to record your body aches and pains as well as menstration notes. Just click to access it below:

My Measurements Google Sheet

Remember to Select>File>Make A Copy and rename it to your name to properly save it to your Google Account.

Included in the sheets are various formulas, drop down menus and checkboxes in select sheets. I have also formulated status updates that shows you how many steps you have left of your goal (10k is the default but can be changed to suit you) as well as a highlight row to correspond with today's date. Just make sure you check your settings for your correct timezone for a more accurate reflection. 

You can always customize add/delete as you see fit. Obviously adjust the dates.

I will work on a full 366 day version of the Google Sheet for 2024. Because of leap  This current one, while date adjustable, has issues.