Making My Measurements To Jump Start My Weight Loss Journey

Would have been great to measure in the beginning of the new year (as in January 1st) but life happens so you have to deal with cards dealt not not give up just because the planets aren't in perfect alignment. So!! February is better than None-uary amirite??*crickets* Anyone? Anyone? Tough crowd.

Marking Day 1 of my fitness and weight loss journey I will show my initial weigh in and body measurements. It will be depressing but I am hoping sharing this will give encouragement.

I did pretty minimal physical activity for January. All I did was my official steps for StepBet. I did 9k steps 4 days a week and 2 days a week I did 11k steps with one rest day which was a pitiful average of 2k steps. I didn't eat any fast food and I don't over eat especially over processed foods much. I am a simple home cook with a shitty diet. I just suspect I have a horrible combination of a slow metabolism and lack of healthy foods in my diet. I admit, I am not good at restraint when it comes to bouillon or greasy foods. If I had to guess, I must've done an overload of sodium in my meals. Plus I love sweets so I'll literally bake cookies and cakes. No, I don't eat it all in the same day but definitely an uncomfortable amount. I was just so thrilled over making perfect Cowboy Cookies!! Most I eat is probably 3 cookies with milk. Not good. Sugar is totes my enemy.

Now let's get to the measurements!!!!! 

Here is my official weight in using my Loftilla smart scale. I am a mid 30s female. I'm 5'2 and my weight is...

Obviously, not happy. I am technically obese also with a BMI of THAT! Of course, more and more people say this should not be an accurate gage how fit one person is. So I had to dust off my handy dandy tape measure and take some very depressing measurements. Literally the fattest I have ever been in my life YET! Let's promise to never get this dangerously high again.

You can figure out how to accurately measure here. I grabbed this image off of google. Each weight in I'll have a before/after. This will be the only measurement with one set of measurements.

EDIT TO ADD: Of course I will agree that one should not get obsessed with numbers especially with the following information shared. However, this is a personal choice I am willing to proceed with so please respect my decision as I know BMR and stuff of that nature does catch a lot of flack. 

So I calculated my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) which is what I learned that is the number of calories I use each day. With this formula I found out my fatty self has a magic number of: 1,492 calories. You can calculate your BMR here.

As far as CICO goes (Calories In, Calories Out) I would need to have a calorie deficit of 200-600 calories. I do have a very sedentary physical activity so that leads me to 1,791 calories You can calculate your CICO here.

My macros is as follows:

Protein: 79 g
Carbs: 173 g
Fat: 37 g
Sugar: <34 g
Sat. Fat: <15 g

Calories total: eat 1,291 calories a day 

1,291 calories I should be consuming while aiming to BURN 1,791 calories. Burn more calories than you take in. I will try my best to log in these foods via Fitbit's app.

I currently own a FitBit Sense so I have no choice but to rely on this to determine how many calories I burn each day.

My currents goals:

 *Start each morning drinking a cup of unsweeteened green tea. Possibly another later in the afternoon.

*Drink 60-90 ounces of water each day and spaced evenly to avoid water intoxication (From what I gather, you should drink half your weight in ounces of water. Mine is 93. So high. But my base goal is at least 60oz)

*Get moving at least 250 steps each active hour during the day via my Fitbit

*Eat small, but healthy meals

*Walk 9k steps a day but gradually increase the goal to over 10k

*Exercise a reasonable amount each day

*Don't weight myself every day. Best for me to do my weigh in in March.