March 23, 2024 Diary

Okay so I am going to try and not peek at the scale until my next weigh in on March 28th. Done good so far but let's see.

Woke up with my thighs still sore. Arms not at all. I will be using my weekends as my rest days from any exercise (other than walking) but it's mostly because I am too embarrassed to exercise in front of other people. 

If all goes well in our financial plans, I hope to take a week off in July to visit my niece in Texas. If I do, and still on Keto, I will take this as an opportunity to document how to eat keto while travelling/on vacation. Nothing is confirmed yet we are still in "figuring things out" phase. Browsing reddit threads and taking notes til then. So that's something to look forward to in July. It would be just be me and kid going though, the significant other and dawg have to hold down the fort.

Exercises I did:

-30 minute indoor walk before dinner.

-50 minute indoor walk after dinner.

-I totally forgot to do any gua sha at all today! 😩

View all my March 2024 Diaries here

I must stress here to say don't starve yourself! I personally am just not that hungry which I see has been known to those on the keto diet. Next time I'll make a protein shake or better plan out my meals to stretch out of macros.