March 21, 2024 Diary
Last weigh in on March 14th I was 179 pounds but today?
Omg!!! 3 pound loss from last week. Amazing! Exercising really does make that boost huh! That's about 11 pounds total lost. Let's look a teeny bit more into my other stats. One more week until I do my actual body measurements too! I am sooooo close to getting out of the obese zone. I know BMI shouldn't be taken seriously but it's a good gage for me so let me whine.
I unfortunately cannot change my starting weight. That was how much I weighed when I first bought the loftilla scale and I gained weight since then. I also want to change my goal weight to 120 pounds maybe I'll figure that out eventually.
See that +3 pounds? Yeah I weighed 172 pounds when I first moved to another state almost 3 years ago. I hope I can surpass that weight even if it's 171 pounds. Then I can focus on my REAL weight loss for good this time. My goal is to lose 20 more pounds by July so I can look cute in a bathing suit in time for summer.
Take note of how many 100's of days to reach my goal. It keeps getting less and less compared to last week, right? That's exactly what I love to see.
Okay so I was able change my goal but it reset my starting weight to my current weight. I managed to change my starting weight on the top measurement just not on the sliding progress bar. A bit sad but oh well I still have 50+ pounds I want to lose anyway. Here is the updated stats.
Alright now back to regular programming.
Exercises I did:
- 40 Minute Walking Workout @Grow With Jo Cardio Abs targeted includes cooldown stretch. I am a death metal woman so her music choice irks me. Some of the moves are straight up goofy so I just sub for a similar move. See? easily fixable. 20 second active rests between each move is a dog send. DOG.
- Simple Gua Sha tutorial and Gua Sha for Double Chin in the AM and PM. I made my own Gua Sha hard copy in case the videos becomes unavailable to me. It's so cute! I'll share pics tomorrow because this post is already long.